Monday, February 4, 2013

Elder Project Part 1

Because of the general lack of clothing options for elder sims,  over the years I’ve done a fair amount of tweaking of the few options EA has provided.  I have been removing stencils, overlays, toning down specular maps, redoing color maps, changing tiling options, editing the multipliers to get rid of details which limited their usefulness in my game & editing multipliers to add details that suited my fancy. Mostly, I have done this a bit pell mell -- making things to fit the character of the sims I was playing at the time -- good enough for my use, but not really “finished enough” to share. Mostly because I was having problems doing proper normal maps - but now that I have a full Windows version of Photoshop (Xmas present :D ) I can use the nvidia tool . Over last month or so I have been going back over my “tweaks”  trying to make them “finished enough”.   This update is the result -- 7 bottoms, 7 tops, 5 additions to swimwear, 5 additions to sleepwear, 10 full body outfits, & 4 outerwear outfits.  (Most things are categorized for multiple use in game -- above refers to where they will be found on the site.) All meshes in this update are EA most are base game. Textures are primarily EA too, the only exceptions are textures which I created.

Direct link to Elder Clothing